Posted on October 19, 2018

When is the collection event and where will it take place?
This year’s Hazardous Waste Collection Event will be held on Saturday, Nov. 3 from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. The event will take place at the UC Health Stadium, “Home of the Florence Freedom” located at 7950 Freedom Way in Florence, KY.
Click here to download a detailed event flyer.
What can you drop off at the event?
They will only accept the following items at the event:
- Aerosol cans
- Antifreeze
- Batteries (all types)
- Corrosives/Flammables (fuel, kerosene, etc.)
- E-scraps (computers, monitors, keyboards, printers, cell phones, etc.)
- Ink cartridges/toner
- Light bulbs
- Oil
- Paint (10 can limit)
- Paper (documents to be shredded)
- Pesticides (2 gallon/ 2 lbs. only)
- Propane tanks (20 lbs. only)
- Televisions (limit of 2 per vehicle)
They ask that attendees bring a completed copy of their registration form with them on the day of the event.
What is not accepted at the event?
They will NOT be accepting appliances, fertilizer, mercury containing devices, medications or tires. They also have the right to reject any item that you bring. Visit the “Resource Guide” on their website for proper disposal methods of these items.
Is there a cost for dropping off your hazardous items?
The event is FREE to the community.
How do I drop off my items?
You load your car, drive to the event and they’ll do the rest! They do their best to keep traffic flowing so they ask that all attendees remain in their vehicles. They have volunteers who will unload your car for you and sort the items appropriately.
Please note - this event attracts a lot of people! While they work as fast as they can to get people through the line, please anticipate a wait. Thanks in advance for your patience and they appreciate you taking the time to properly dispose of hazardous waste.
Do I need to bring anything other than my items?
To speed up the process, they ask that event attendees bring a completed copy of their registration form. Knowing what you have with you allows them to direct traffic and efficiently sort the items you are bringing.